Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas, the Holiday Season, and the New Year to come

This Christmas has been wonderful, exhausting and wonderful I should say. Getting the house ready for 20 or so people takes time, and boy am I in need of a time management class or self help book. I usually take things, or try, to the extreme then I usually have to cut back or just stop where I am to finish. This is starting to get annoying but at least I am beginning to see a pattern of self defeatism theory. Anyway back to Christmas, it was wonderful this year even though I was doing some of the same old "see how much I can get done before I go crazy" routine. The day of Christmas was finally allowed to be about being with family, sharing great food, experiencing the true meaning of Christmas, unconditional love and peace, Jesus being born to save us from ourselves and to be our mentor on how to live our lives. The Holiday season was a bit hectic, but I did most of my shopping online and even tried out eBay for one in particular gift. The Internet shopping experience turned out to be a really great help and experience. One of my downfalls is lacking in the delegation area, allowing people to help me with my list of things to do because I would be one of the first to help others if I saw that they needed help, or if they asked for help. My New Year's resolutions usually deal with weight but this year I am working on organization and delegation instead of frustration from the inability to lose weight. I am however beginning Turbo Jam next week so we will see what happens, but this area is not one of my main goals this year. My weight has been in the 190's for about 10 years, which is ridiculous. Most of the weight I believe is due to depression over this or that, and in relation to emotional eating. I did quit smoking for the third and last time three years ago. I have also stopped drinking alcohol for about three years on a regular basis. Every now and then I will have an alcoholic beverage but I really don't like the stuff much anymore. Now I just have to get about 60 pounds off, get organized, and learn how to delegate. My tact could use some improvement also. I never have been too much of one to beat around the bush, or delicately explain things at times when they really should be delicately explained, but I am going to work on this one too. Another thing that I think is odd that I do is treat strangers like family and family like strangers at times. Why does it seem easier to be nice to strangers and short with your family, even though we should try not to be short with anyone, but we are only human. I think I am going to pretend that my family are strangers for awhile to see if I can be nicer, more tactful, etc. with them. I am very blessed in the family arena. I have a great and wonderful family, couldn't ask for better. So I guess maybe this year will be spent on loving myself and my family better, getting organized, and learn to let others help me with my work, goals, etc. Sounds pretty good in theory.
My mother is doing better since my step dad passed last October 2006. My youngest brother, middle sister, and youngest sister still spend the night with my mom. She is afraid to stay home alone. The three siblings take turns, rotating the nights. I haven't spent the night with mom, we get on each others nerves too easy for one thing, but if she needs me for anything I am always there. I am the oldest daughter so I received the most discipline, expectations and responsibility growing up. This is a mixed blessing position in the birth order of things. I suppose all positions have their blessings and crosses to bare(bear?)in the birth order of things.
I guess this is about all for now. To whomever reads this blog hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and may you have a blessed New Year!

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